
   * Set the Collective Portrait's hash as a delegate.
   * @remarks
   * Setting the Collective Portrait's hash as a delegate will update the Collective Portrait's hash to the new hash.
   * A delegate wallet can set the Collective Portrait's hash as a delegate if the delegate wallet has the minimum number of shares required to control the Collective Portrait.
   * @param {CollectivePortraitName} portraitName - The name of the Collective Portrait that the user would like to set the hash for.
   * @param {number} portraitId - The id of the Collective Portrait that the user would like to set the hash for.
   * @param {UserPortraitAddress} shareholder - The address of the shareholder that the user would like to set the hash for.
   * @param {string} hash - The new hash to set the Collective Portrait's hash to.
   * @param {number} blockNumber - The block number of the transaction that the user would like to set the hash for.
   * @param {string} signature - The signature of the transaction that the user would like to set the hash for.
   * @returns {ethers.ContractTransaction} - The transaction object of the transaction that sets the Collective Portrait's hash.
   * @beta
   * @async
    portraitName: CollectivePortraitName,
    portraitId: number,
    shareholder: UserPortraitAddress,
    hash: string,
    blockNumber: number,
    signature: string,
  ): ethers.ContractTransaction {
    return this.portrait.portraitCollectiveContract.setPortraitHashAsDelegate(

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